5 Retail Store Fit-Out Trends in 2020

McCredie on November 6, 2019

In the age of online shopping, retailers must continue to strategize to connect consumers to storefronts. The retail industry is facing immense challenges as smartphones and tablets have drastically changed the way consumers make their purchases. With the constant rise of digitalisation, retailers are faced with growing concerns that the traditional brick and mortar shops will become a thing of the past. However, brands like Apple, Nordstrom, and Nike have reimagined their retail space to create an appealing in-store experience.
Customers have many purchasing options, but the ease online shopping is hard to beat. Retailers must shift their focus on creating an in-store experience, one that a customer cannot receive online. Many household brands are implementing new store concepts centred on the shopper’s experience in an effort to retain their customers. Below we have five retail store fit-out trends that brands should implement for 2020.

  1. A Continuing Focus on the User-Experience

    Innovative companies like Nike are focused on sharing an in-store experience. Nike is one of the few companies that are leading on customer interaction, as they simply allow the user to input their lifestyle in the product, whether that’s through the design process or participating in events held at the store, by doing this it allows the consumer opportunity to engage with the retail space. Connecting with what your consumer base wants is the only way to keep bringing them back.

  2. Sustainability in Design

    In an article with #RetailEXPO19, Giorgina Waltier, sustainability manager, UK & IE, for fast fashion clothing retailer H&M, said it was important to offer “great affordable fashion in a sustainable way.” In the past few years, sustainable design has become very important to the average consumer. Society has become more conscious of the footprint that is being left behind, which is reflected in the what popular brand is right now. Customers are holding companies accountable to have more sustainable practices. According Shopify, 93% of global consumers expect the brands they shop from to support social and environmental issues. As a retailer, the focus should be on recreating an interior that utilizes sustainable textile and eco-friendly or refurbished interior.

  3. Implementing Technology

    Retailers are relying on technological advancements to revolutionize how customers spend time in the store. Some brands are using augmented reality to market products, which engages a diverse customer base. For instance, Amazon Go has automated checkout and implemented cashier-less stores. A lot of brands are in-store, this is becoming a big trend for many companies as these technologies will provide a more interactive retail experience.

  4. Bold Colours for a Bold New Year 

    Colour has a subliminal effect on people and might have an impact on the way that people shop in your store. Colour has the power to attract customers, cater to younger shoppers, make for an appealing, or potentially make a customer run towards the nearest exit sign. For instance, a children’s clothing store may want to focus on brighter colours on the floors and walls, with pops of colour throughout the space. Alternatively, an outdoor retailer may use more earthy tones in their colour palette. There’s an entire source of colour psychology so make sure to consider researching colours that align with your brand identity. As you may notice, it’s always important to use a bolder colour scheme such as light or medium blue to illicit calmness or shades of green to stimulate peace and health.

  5. Geometric Patterns

    When it comes to design and store fixtures, geometric patterns have been a staple of many retail store spaces. Symmetrical harmony has become increasingly popular in interior design recently. Many big-name visual merchandisers use a minimalist approach with basic shapes and colours in window displays, creating an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.

If you have questions about improving your in-store fit-out, contact the experts at McCredie today.